Saturday, May 03, 2008

Obama Thoughts

Viscerally, perhaps even counter intuitively, I am feeling better about Obama's chances in the fall. For so long, he didn't seem real with his sui generis background and his plastic message of hope and change. But now -- battered, grabbed at, pulled down, knocked off balance, lumbered with a friend and pastor who is a kind of clown-genius -- he seems more real and less like a cartoon of virtues and undefined hopes.

The "man" is showing through, and I feel better about that. I think he can get down in the dirt and close the deal, a close election, dirty and stupid but still a win. I'm not saying he wasn't real before -- whatever real means. I'm just saying now he seems real in my subjective terms.

Hillary Clinton always seemed hyper-real to me because I know her. I am married to a kind of Hillary Clinton (absent any philandering on my part) who has spent her professional career in the company of rogues and fools (of both sexes) trying to do her best and willing to settle for the imperfection of what can actually get done because the world stops otherwise. I can see the appeal in Hillary Clinton, though I think she's a little too vivid for majority taste.

McCain is real, of course, caricature real, a living exaggeration done in big smudgy strokes, kind of comic. All good caricature (as opposed to a mere cartoon) is high-relief and finds some truth. My gut says it will be a close race -- a coin flip -- but Obama comes up heads more often than not.


Anonymous said...

This also is fatuous. A closer study of the polling or reading the people who analyze them would tell you the Obama candidacy was tanking even before the Jerusalem Post published the story about BO's Moslem childhood and Commentary had a long and interesting posting. Yes, it's the Joooz once again. Still, as a communicator, shouldn't you be aware of this?

....J.Michael Robertson said...

Yet I grok that he will win.

Anonymous said...

Here is a rather different perspective:
Go to Rev Wright for President. I must say that the analysis makes sense to me. And makes me wonder if America is actually ungovernable in some, er, fundamental way. It also reminds me that since I starting reading blogs (where does the time come from, the non-/anti-bloggers ask... and the answer is, time spent reading the same newspapers over & over is now spent doing less newspaper & more blog) I have learned a great deal & encounter many blogs where the writing is better than in the paper. Thanks for being a part of that, Michael...

....J.Michael Robertson said...

Now I have Afrogeeks on the RSS.