Saturday, June 28, 2008

I Love to Play Games

A few of us meet New Year's Eve to play Fictionary, but last year the usual suspects were scattered, busy or momentarily morose, so it didn't happen. I am a man who loves him some tradition, so last week at the summer solstice -- which I think balances nicely with our rather fuzzy antipodal notion of when our lives reset -- we had that familiar crew over.

(Apologies to our non New Year's game crew. You are up next.)

Five fine words that emerged from the game:

1) Hebephrenia

2) Oxycoccus

3) Palule

4) Praiss

5) Griffinage

I could have linked to their definitions, but that would spoil *the fun.*

Zemanta Pixie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i especially enjoyed the definition of hebephrenia that I BELIEVE WAS YOURS: a condition of loving gifelte fish. i would like to request an invite for all future fictionary games.